The age limit for wearing braces is not approachable, but, as a rule, suffered the most are teenagers, embarrassed to wear such a system. Term wear can range from six months and up to 2 years, also must be said that each correction can be painful. But, believe me, it's worth it: when in 2-3 years you look in the mirror and see your shining smile smooth, you will forget all the difficulties.
There is a correction of bite without braces, and without the plate. This may not only be a correction massage jaws, which will train orthodontist, but also the use of corrective plates, plates on the teeth and correcting the shape of the teeth by grinding and turning. For example, if a tooth is slightly recessed inside, if you compare it with the rest of the dentition, you can help fix the bite veneers, special plates of natural color.
This does not require a lot of time, does not make the painful sensations, solves the problem for a long time. Rice diet for weight loss - Amazing properties of rice was observed in ancient times, 600 - 500 BCE, which led him to assign this honorary title -
"The Gift of the Gods." It is on the basis of preparing rice dishes to Olympic, both before and after the competition developed by Hippocrates. Raw, soaked in plain water with rice, our ancestors were treated many diseases, including worm infestations.
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