Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Tips For Health And Beauty By Grow Taller 4 Idiots

Tips for health and beauty, as always, are simple and accessible. The main thing to remember is that the female body needs your constant care and proper nutrition. A few home remedies for proper nutrition of the skin of the body - cottage cheese and orange wrap is as follows: 4 tbsp.

Spoon cottage cheese mixed with the juice of one orange and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to a clean cotton cloth and it is 20 minutes wrapped neck and chest. With a very loose and stretched skin is wrapping is done at least 2 times a day to ensure your skin proper nutrition. Secret Tips Revealed Here

Wrap potatoes cooked very simply, from 2-3 boiled potatoes mashed, there is added 2-3 teaspoons of honey and vegetable oil, plus - the egg yolk. Puree is applied to the neck and chest, overlaid on top of the parchment paper and loosely wrapped towel. Wrapping lasts 20 minutes and is done 2 times a week. 1.5-2 months tone and elasticity of your skin will return.

For everyday cleaning, use any non-refined vegetable oil. With a cotton swab, apply the oil on the neck and chest and wrap a cotton cloth. Half an hour later the fabric is removed, the remaining oil cannot get wet, because His skin will absorb like a sponge and will become soft and pliable.

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